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Chosen breeds
S. African Boerboels
Boerboels 1 to 10
Boerboel "Mandela"
Boerboel "Tallwater"
Boerboel "Homegirl"
Boerboel "Hope"
Dogo Argentinos
My take on the Dogo History
Dogos 1 to 10
Dogo Negrecha
Dogo Saga
Dogo "Attraction"
Great Danes
My take on the Great Dane
Great Dane 1 to 10
Great Dane "Magic"
Turkish Kangals
My Take on the Turkish Kangal
Kangals 1 to 10 breed description
Kangal Oz Tamam
Kangal "Sevdi"
Kangal "Sweetthing"
Our hybrids
Half Breeds
Boerboel x Kangal
Ghengis Afrikracker
Dane x Dogo
Tyra Banks (Dango)
Dangouno (Dango)
4 Way crosses
Percentage Hybrids
Boerboel % " Country"
Boerboel % Gronk
Boerboel% Sistuhbigbone
Boerboel% Sticky
Boerboel % Tritoe
Boerboel % Blue
Kangal % Innuendo
Outside hybrids
"BOGAN" ( outside hybrid)
Malabai "Sheballs"
Malabai "Biggun"
The Word of Dog
The Holy Trinity
Defending The Cross
Choosing a breed
Choosing a breeder
Dogs: The big picture
Dogs and the web
The rare breed story
Back Stories
The FAQ section
Picks, Prices, Deposits
Sometimes we deliver
A word on weights and measures
Contact/Location Info
About the Breeder
Turkish Kangals
My take on the Turkish Kangal
Turkish Kangals 1 to 10
click on the names below to see some Olympicdog's Kangals
Oz Tamam
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